Ve’e yata ña iyoo ñuu ña nani Mitla ña ndikaa chi Oaxaca
The Ruins in the Town of Mitla in the State of Oaxaca
Santiago de Jesús Pinzón
In Metlatonoc Mixtec and English
Part of the Mitla activities page.

Yo'o ke na ndatu'un yu xi'in ndo xa'a ve'e yata kan
ra kundaa ini ndo. Ve'e kan ra chi nuu kanata ñu'u nuu
ñuu Mitla, ke iyoo ña. Ra kúa'a ni yuvi na kee inka xiyo
xa'an ña xitondie'e na ña. Ra yachin nuu iyoo ve'e kan ra
kua'a ni nuu ña'a ixiko na, ixiko na ta kuu tikoto ña
kuna na, ta kuu xatu, xi'in koto, xi'in tikachi, xi'in murrá
ña yu'va, xi'in kua'a ni ka nuu ña'a vali. Ra ve'e kan, ra
na zapoteco va kuvi na xindee ini ña, kachi na.
In this book I will tell you about an archeological
site so that you will know all about it. The archeological
site is to the east, in a town called Mitla. There are many
foreign visitors who go to see this place. It is right near
the market where many people sell clothes that they
weave, like pants, shirts, blankets, wall hangings, and all
sorts of trinkets. The archeological site is commonly
referred to as being from the Zapotec people.
Listen to Santiago Jesús de Pinzón reading the text:
You can download the book for free here:
Ve’e Yata ña Iyoo Ñuu ña Nani Mitla ña Ndikaa chi Oaxaca (PDF)
Or you can buy the print version for $9.00 at
Ve’e Yata ña Iyoo Ñuu ña Nani Mitla ña Ndikaa chi Oaxaca at