West Coast Mixtecs

Tu̱’un Ndá’vi California, Oregon, xí’in Washington


Practitioners should not rely on the content of this website to evaluate, diagnose or treat medical conditions. The information on this website is meant only to serve as a tool for health care providers who want to improve their ability to communicate with their Mixtec-speaking patients; it does not replace the services of a trained medical interpreter (which may be required by law).

Synovial joints
Synovial Joints

How long has your knee been hurting you?

Na̠xa ki̠í kú'vi̠ ko̠ndo̠-un?

It's been a couple of weeks.

Xa̠ u̠vi̠ semána kú'vi̠-ña.

Have you ever injured your knee?

Á ta̠kuě'e̠ ko̠ndo̠-un tá xina'á á vichin?

No, I don't think so.

U̠'un. Köñú'u ini-i tu ni̠ta̠xin ko̠ndo̠-i.

Does your work require you to do a lot of kneeling?

Tá sáchíñu-un, á ndákaka siti-un?

Yes, a lot.

Aan. Kuénda ísiti-ndu.

Does your knee ever give way or buckle when you walk?

Á ndúvitá ko̠ndo̠-un tá xíka-un?



Does your knee sometimes lock so that you cannot completely straighten your leg?

Á ndíta ndútuun ko̠ndo̠-un, kökuvi ndundǎku-ña?

No, it just hurts.

U̠'un, kú'vi̠ kuití-ña.

Does your knee feel stiff when you get up in the morning?

Tá ndáko̠o-un, á ndútuun ko̠ndo̠-un?

Yes, it's worse in the morning.

Aan, ni̠'í ndútuun-ña tá ndáko̠o-i.

I'm going to examine your knee while you are standing, sitting, and lying down.

Koto ndosó-i ko̠ndo̠-un tá ndíchi-un, tá índu'ú-un, tá kándú'u-un.